timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩) pfp
timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩)
but would this all have happened if the DAO had required a 2/3 majority for dispersing > 10% of funds?
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Interesting idea
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timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩) pfp
timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩)
What I find noteworthy is that the proposal created a near perfect controversy. Didnβ€˜t it create a near 50:50 situation? This is why there are camps now, or not? If it was a 2/3 quorum, the majority would dominate the minority and that would surface less as conflict on social media?
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ccarella πŸŸͺ pfp
ccarella πŸŸͺ
I have DMd every single voter this morning. People aren’t feeling they are in camps and the external drama has almost no effect on how people are feeling. Most people are energized by the engagement and the process. People told me why they didn’t like the prop but only one person told me they gad a meta issue.
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timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩) pfp
timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩)
I observed at least two or three camps here on FC: - Those that supported the proposal - Those that want to send more money elsewhere (e.g. to devs) (hard no) - Those that had concerns with the proposal (they wanted adjustments, soft no)
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ccarella πŸŸͺ pfp
ccarella πŸŸͺ
Oh there were shared opinion groups for the prop for sure, as always.
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timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩) pfp
timdaub (πŸ₯,🎩)
Is your point that prop 28 is like any other Purple prop?
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ccarella πŸŸͺ pfp
ccarella πŸŸͺ
No just that all votes that don’t have full consensus have camps. It would be wild if you have 50 no votes and 50 different reasons.
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