Stas pfp
Probably a good time for my non-tech interests 🙈 - minimalism - sustainable lifestyle (traveling, co-living, co-working, migration culture) - fashion and especially fabrics - food/cooking, but mainly coffee, mezcal and aguardentes - sustainable products/economy - surfing obviously ... 🤔
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Would love to hear more about #3.
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Stas pfp
I pretty much live off a ~30L bag. This pic was taken back in 2021, but my wardrobe is still the same. I've learned about the impact the fabrics have on the purpose of a garment and which could fit different lifestyles and locations I enjoy. Most of my stuff is wool/merino.
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ccarella 🟪 pfp
ccarella 🟪
The essential flask.
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Stas pfp
Little... rum, then local aguardentes, now mezcal... carrier.
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ccarella 🟪 pfp
ccarella 🟪
Sounds amazing. You probably save $5 a sip.
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Stas pfp
More like allows me sipping on the beach sunsets 🙈😀
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