sean pfp
@viskous.eth I want to build an app that allows farcaster users to sign in and use their farcaster account as a wallet to mint NFTs.
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sean pfp
@ccarella.eth working off of the proposal template you recommended, I'm thinking that building some ChatGPT tools to help people / groups create good @purple proposals might help establish a proposal framework and get people past the "blank page" stage of proposal writing. Here is an example in bot format (see replies).
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ccarella ๐ŸŸช pfp
ccarella ๐ŸŸช
This is incredible. We should have a section around licensing, ie is this open source or proprietary and if proprietary who is it owned by. I know itโ€™s just a quick demo but that section came to mind. Really incredible though. Makes it very easy.
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sean pfp
yea great idea, it definitely needs tos somewhere
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