I wrote Chuck Palahniuk a letter as a teenager and he sent me back a giant box of presents including a box of chocolates, a stuffed snake, a switchblade comb and an autographed copy of Fight Club with an additionally autographed packet of Forget Me Not flower seeds tucked in the pages
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Chris Carella
Well that is awesome. Maybe this is what got Tucker too.
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Wouldn’t surprise me. Tucker’s blend of Fight Club and Ted K is deeply appealing if unrealistic / would get you thrown in jail
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Chris Carella
yea they are good at inspiring people to do illegal things that put them in jail. Part of the Do Illegal Things That Put You In Jail and Maybe We'll Pardon You Industrial Complex.
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To Tucker’s point if enough people do it they can’t put all you in jail. But people are too cucked by vidya and weed and being fat and porn and what all else. Vision and imaginations are stunted. No one wants to do anything lest of all go buck and start a mass movement where you don’t pay debt. Why rock the boat
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