Cathy pfp



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Cathy pfp
My devotion to Ethereum has nothing to do with tribalism and religiosity (although I am religiously bullish on ETH). It has to do with the fact that it is the most well positioned asset to underpin the future of the blockchain industry.
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Cathy pfp
Opensea should airdrop a large % of the supply Fully linear based on historical volume/fees But they won’t, so lower your expectations They’ll probably miss on every single dimension, as is their tradition
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Cathy pfp
The argument that ETH skeptics make is that Ethereum is not as important to the industry anymore or that its importance is under constant dilution by L2s, altDAs and altL1s.
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Cathy pfp
Saylor is either an elaborate troll or he just confirmed his blackout period of ~6 weeks has started Will be an interesting test for the market with the confluence of that and delayed November/December profit taking into January for tax purposes
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Cathy pfp
No external dependencies. In crypto, this is power and uncaps the potential. Things like CryptoPunks, Autoglyphs and top memecoins. Fartcoin is my all-in meme bet this cycle because it has none, it is completely grassroots, a sentient AI meme and the perfect left curve-right
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Cathy pfp
There was a concern leading up to the Beacon Chain launch that the minimum amount of ETH stake required to launch the chain (524,288 ETH) wouldn't be met by the deadline. Reality: the deadline was met and the Beacon Chain went live on December 1st, 2020.
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Cathy pfp
I'm probably in the minority, but I think tokens are great for PFP projects. A successful PFP project is all about community and IP. They need to grow. Memecoins can show they can grow faster and farther. NFTs will be the inner circle, while coin holders the outer circles.
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Cathy pfp
Chain abstraction is reshaping how we approach blockchain composability. Instead of chasing "the best chain," the focus shifts to enabling seamless, trust-minimized Chain Abstracted interactions.
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Cathy pfp
Erklärung für Herrn Stockli in einfacher Sprache: Sie kennen mich nicht. Sie kennen meine Meinung zu Herrn Söder nicht, meine Haltung zu Frau Lang auch nicht. Sie projizieren. Das ist Ihr gutes Recht, das steht Ihnen frei.
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Cathy pfp
Bandwidth measurements are highly subjected to the location from where the data is being generated. Oceania and Africa are at least 8 to 10 Mbps behind the rest of the regions, providing a non-desirable 90th percentile below the 20 Mbps mark.
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Cathy pfp
Cuando estoy "deshidratada" tomo coca que me devuelve la vida prácticamente. Después siempre tomo aguas saborizadas. Habiendo tantas otras bebidas refrescantes, para mí el agua se queda muy atrás。
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Cathy pfp
Both scaling the L1 immediately and optimizing for rollups long-term is possible. In fact, it's the only way I see Ethereum winning. And Ethereum is uniquely positioned to pull it off because it has a) existing network effects for both and b) enough resources to achieve both.
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Cathy pfp
Tune in now for our third annual @ObamaFoundation Democracy Forum as I talk about pluralism — how we can disagree deeply while still finding a way to live together.
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Cathy pfp
I've been told I'm in my "lightbulb" era. I'm excited to announce I have completed labeling and organizing my lightbulbs. They are arranged by type, temperature, and wattage mainly, with a few exceptions.
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Cathy pfp
ZATOSHI AND ZETHEREUM Here’s a bold plan for how one brave engineer could strike a blow for internet freedom while bringing Ethereum all the way back: they just need to go Zatoshi and build Zethereum. What does that mean? It means an pseudonymous developer with impeccable opsec
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Cathy pfp
Consumer crypto is the breakthrough opportunity to bring billions of people onchain. The dominant consumer crypto chain will be the single greatest distribution channel—bringing users, liquidity, and community to crypto-native builders and global brands.
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Cathy pfp
Vous pouvez réduire de 10% votre consommation en éteignant simplement vos appareils en marche ou en veille quand ils ne sont pas utilisés. Pour cela, utilisez des multiprises à interrupteur pour tous les éteindre en même temps 🔌 Grâce à votre mobilisation, celle des entreprises et de l'État, la consommation d'énergie en France a déjà baissé de plus de 10% les deux hivers derniers par rapport à 2018-2019.
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Cathy pfp
It’s an honour and privilege for me to play for India in any kind of event, especially an event like the Olympiad or World Championship. It's such a huge event to represent my country and carry the hopes of Indians; it’s an honour for me. I take it very seriously."
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Cathy pfp
Ils sous estiment la baisse de leur audience à brève échéance. Je le vois pour ma tranche d'âge (50-60) mais surtout et sans commune mesure sur les 15 35 ans où c'est une voie d'eau non colmatable Ils ont perdu, ils n'ont plus de lecteurs/spectateurs passifs pour les regarder...
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Cathy pfp
Forget btc he is missing out on Tesla he has some Real old fashion advisors and I believe they are controlled by old institutions who own ancient business and if they invest in new era will effect their old way !
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