Catch0x22 (2025 variant)
i genuinely give fc about a month in on solana socialfi getting pushed, and no one will remember warpcast fc will continue to grow but mindshare is a very fickle mistress solana already has socialfi just no killer app. few
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@itsbasil new socialfi on solana? what about x coming out saying they’ll build financial tx into the timeline & accept btc, doge, and xrp by yearend what about lens raising 30m - will they use that for ua? what about the below
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Catch0x22 (2025 variant)
cake is certainly lined up to be eaten. and they have fc to use as a template of what works also this phantom thing looks interesting. add a troll box to phantom and that's ggs
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let the bakers bake (so long as the bakery owners are willing to at a bare minimum put the bakery in yellow pages, create a fc page & print a few coupons)
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