Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
To all the folks spontaneously inviting me to happy hours and drinking related events for FarCon, I appreciate the gesture, but know that I do not drink. Happy to join the festivities as a sober party guest if schedule permits, unless it's purely drinking games or similar.
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Weirdo 🎩 πŸ– πŸͺ¬πŸ§Ώβ†‘  pfp
Weirdo 🎩 πŸ– πŸͺ¬πŸ§Ώβ†‘
Check out the new bar while in venice lots of amazing options for non-drinkers looking to byob
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
I was so confused when I saw the site at first, then I realized they were all NA variations, that's so freaking cool!
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Weirdo 🎩 πŸ– πŸͺ¬πŸ§Ώβ†‘  pfp
Weirdo 🎩 πŸ– πŸͺ¬πŸ§Ώβ†‘
Yeah lots of yummy options. Enjoy!
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