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This is as good an opportunity as any to set the record straight about Telegram. I cannot for he life of me understand how it become a default for the broader crew of people who profess allegiance to the ethos of cryptography and anti-surveillance systems. I remember asking people about this early on to a lot of hemming and hawing. People like to feel like they are opting out while secretly maintaining convenience. Be a frontiersperson or don’t but don’t lie to yourself about it.
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Cassie Heart
I begrudgingly use tg for coordinating Q node runners, because signal group chats have an upper bound of 1,000, and major usability issues. I also take a strong stance of not saying anything on there I would not broadcast publicly anyway (which I apply that policy everywhere, even on "safer" channels). Once our launch is done, then the decentralized discord clone project that kicked it off in the first place can be deployed, which offers the security and UX people want.
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yea i’m not saying there are good choices to opt out, i had to begrudgingly use it too and make sure nothing I said was something I wouldn’t broadcast BUT i still think it’s important for people to know that, cause I feel a good amount of people are like “it’s encrypted” and think it’s a signal alt
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