Jeadie pfp
If I like cryptography, programming and pure math, what should I do and build in crypto?
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Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
Have you met @cassie yet?
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Jeadie pfp
I have not; I think she's in the default follow list?
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
yo Depends on what you want to focus on — there’s a number of opportunities, but if you want to stay aligned to pure cryptography, MPC related work is probably the right niche — in existing networks there are MPC wallets that use threshold cryptosystems, some new networks are using MPC more broadly than signing
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
Zero knowledge proofs can be another niche to get into as well, though that typically narrows your scope to protocol work
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Jeadie pfp
For both ZKP and MPC how does one understand the lay of the land /what problems have been solved vs what would be worth thinking and tinkering with?
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Cassie Heart pfp
Cassie Heart
There’s a huge number of unsolved/undersolved problems, but you only really start to get a feel for them with experience — one example: zkSNARKs require a trusted setup. RedShift is a proposed answer, but to my knowledge, has no implementation
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