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orCarlos - Noun 976 pfp
orCarlos - Noun 976
What does effective proliferation mean (to me)? A funded prop is able to showcase Nouns as a funding body, tell the story of how they got funded, highlight the impact created with those funds and attract other impact makers to the NounsDAO ecosystem - creating meaningful impact beyond what was scoped in the initial prop. Infinite games, with infinite people. This is a great example! We've been working extremely hard to: 1. Onboard, train and retrain elchicodelasplantas.eth 2. Plan the activations 3. Coordinate onboarding efforts for volunteers 4. Guide and provide feedback on content format without causing negative effects to his engagement rates. 5. Create a compelling narrative around the work being done, how it's funded and how volunteers benefit Our next phase will include outreach to other orgs and vetting the people expressing interest in replicating this Impact Onboarding approach.
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orCarlos - Noun 976 pfp
orCarlos - Noun 976
The screenshots above show comments expressing interest in learning more about how to join and access these tools. We have lots of media props that fell flat on vanity metrics AND quality metrics. We also have lots of social and environmental impact props that do a wonderful job at creating a positive change in their communities, but not many people see this impact so Nouns doesn't attract new buyers and/or builders through that impact. This is just 1 of the 10 Nouns builders I'm propcubating. Excited to share more about the others soon!
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