Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
What aren’t you learning about? (on purpose 😅) There’s too much stuff to know all of it so decisions have to be made about what to ignore.
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Eli pfp
the past 12 months, i've almost entirely stopped intentionally following the news the 24 hr cycle is way too much and i figure if there is something i should know about, i'll come across it in conversation or on twitter/farcaster
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
The 2024 US presidential election
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🌅 pfp
semiconductors, quantum computing, What’s Hot on the other twitter read the specs (ex. patents), leave if unbearable
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moreReese pfp
The latest DeFi trends, technical sides of AI, playing guitar (a bit to my chagrin)
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Johanna 🎩  pfp
Johanna 🎩
being social 😂😅
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wake 🎩 pfp
wake 🎩
I refuse to learn conversions (ie, meter to foot to ounce to this-coke-feels-light to grams, etc). What even IS a denominator. Sounds kinky.
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grin 🐣  pfp
grin 🐣
AI It’s prolly just a flash in the pan and not going anywhere
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Ahana✨ pfp
About the ridiculous laws being passed!
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Kuririn pfp
French, drawing, horse riding, dancing
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Ahana✨ pfp
About the ridiculous laws being passed every single day.
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Ahana✨ pfp
After all, ignorance is bliss, they say.
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