Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I usually wait til Saturday morning to give out presents… 🎁 But I’m too excited about this one to wait 😻 I adore the FarCats collection. So much so that I asked @0xen if we could collab to showcase just how genre-defining of an NFT series it is 🫡 (Leave product feedback below!)
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Y’all I know I’m spamming Farcaster with FarCat stuff, but like How do you see this, know that “PurpleCat 64” never existed, and not just be mindboggled at how bonkers the next few years are gonna be with all the text, visual, audio, and *yet to be released* AI tools 😩
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Ok this one is cool
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