Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
“What is it you do to train that is comparable to a pianist practicing scales?” This is my fav Cowenism and I would like to hear from y’all on your answers to this (will reply with mine in a bit)
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notdevin  pfp
Oh man, so many things on a daily basis I do because of what it takes to excel in any sport When I learned to paraglide, 1st question I had for my teacher was, what does everyone avoid doing that the best always do? He told me “learn to kite” meaning fly the wing on the ground, don’t focus on getting in the air
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Can you expand on that??
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notdevin  pfp
Equivalent to that resistance to go to the gym and you come up with plenty of rational excuses, those are the moments to fight back the hardest, you can establish new patterns with those moments. Make a personal rule you’ll go to the gym and walk in, lift one thing and you can leave, you’ll always do more
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