Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
We’re relaunching @farcon ticket sales tomorrow at 1PM EST at a reduced price of 0.01 ETH 🫡 We really appreciate your feedback and support yesterday and wrote a Screenshot Essay with all the details 💜 In the replies, there’s a blog post that goes into pricing/other notes 🔥
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
So proud of you and @grin for iterating publicly and quickly!
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Thank you! Also huge shoutout to @j4ck.eth @dawufi and @0xen who are working behind the scenes to make it a great event as well 🥲🥲🫡
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Sam (crazy candle person) ✦  pfp
Sam (crazy candle person) ✦
Love it! Thanks everyone for your hard work! @0xen @j4ck.eth @dawufi 😊
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