Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
“The truth is that many of the qualities we admire in human beings can only function in opposition to some kind of disaster, pain, or difficulty; but the tendency of mechanical progress is to eliminate disaster, pain, and difficulty” —George “Fuck Technology” Orwell What’s your gut reaction?
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huugo pfp
Whether right out wrong, I do think we define our lives by the challenges we’ve overcome. In that way, we will never be able to completely eradicate pain…that cynical tho. From the other end, even if mech progress (which I suppose is 40s lingo for tech) continues to eradicate pain, Zeno would say never completely
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Do VR challenges have the heft to define ourselves by?
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huugo pfp
Hooking up my wifi is a challenge I defined myself by on Monday.
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