Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
If you're a @purple NFT holder, please take the time today to consider voting to fund FarCon with 1 ETH (that will get matched by @dwr.eth) The vote is open now🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Green lights are stacking up 💚🏎️🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@tayyab unbelievably appreciate the kind words and support for @farcon 🥲🥲🫡
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rish pfp
genuine question -- given prop is over the threshold, is there any point in getting more "For" votes or should those still interested in voting "For" just put the gas fee in a digital tip jar of some sort so farcon gets the money instead? Seems unlikely that enough will vote no for this to go the other way
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rish pfp
gm @farcasteradmin.eth
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llbxdll pfp
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