Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Oh hey I created a prop house thing so anyone (not just @purple) can suggest how @purple should best spend their time and treasure. If you have an opinion about the past few days, write it up and submit so we can all vote on them! 🫡
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Also, looks like someone submitted a response in Indonesian - but with Google translate it looks like an earnest submission?? That is cool af tbh
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Note: Prop house is all off chain so you won’t get the sweet notifications - please help spread the word! (We’ll need to be banging this drum for a few days I suspect)
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Manuel pfp
I’m interested to hear how you think this will affect how Purple is run in the future. Is this open forum a one-time thing? Or are you allowing anyone to have influence over the treasury ongoing? This turns “Purple DAO” into “Purple Forum”, so I’d like to get inside your head and understand the thinking
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Greg pfp
whatever this first proposal says, I agree 🫡 (maybe)
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
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