Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
It has come to my attention that many casters are unaware of FarCon's Ticket Mint today 😩😩😩 I would appreciate if you could help spread the word so nobody misses out due to lack of awareness πŸ‘€ Follow @farcon for the link 🫑
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Actively asking for community feedback right here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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FarCon pfp
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adrienne pfp
A comms rule to live by: Communicate 3X more than you think you need to, and you’ll be 1/3 of the way there
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alex pfp
cards on the table when i see the name my brain immediately goes full shitpost "farcon what" "farc on ur face"
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Col pfp
shared it on my twitter account
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Kazi βš”οΈ pfp
Kazi βš”οΈ
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Uncle Davo ✈️ Farcon pfp
Uncle Davo ✈️ Farcon
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🌹 Zach Harris πŸ₯€ pfp
🌹 Zach Harris πŸ₯€
Are they soulbound or could I scalp the shit out of them?
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Max 🎩 /muse πŸ”œ FarCon pfp
Max 🎩 /muse πŸ”œ FarCon
Gonna need to sell some art to buy that ticket! otherwise I'll have to host NotFarCon across the street πŸ˜‚
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