Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
There's a non-zero chance that Farcaster people do a reverse Paypal mafia and eventually all of us just join forces to build a super company
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Bias πŸ«§πŸ—Ώ 𝙰𝙷𝙰 pfp
Bias πŸ«§πŸ—Ώ 𝙰𝙷𝙰
Been thinking about this myself The world could use a super π™Ώπš„π™½π™Ί pantheon
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Kuririn pfp
Count me in. Let's build the ultimate AI coordination tool first and do what it says. So it will utilize our abilities to the maximum.
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jmon.eth pfp
Me and frens have often talked about starting a general purpose consultancy where we just solve interesting hard problems for bucks, but the stars haven’t aligned to make this feasible. Maybe we have been the stars all along?!
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Ayush pfp
Feel like we are gonna form a network state at some point
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moreReese pfp
Sounds like potential topic musings and fodder for the SayMore + Purple FarCon Essay Contest … πŸ€”
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Uncle Davo pfp
Uncle Davo
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adrienne pfp
Sign me up
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0 reaction pfp
I like that way of thinking πŸ’―
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Mac Budkowski πŸ₯ pfp
Mac Budkowski πŸ₯
One app to rule them all
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πŸͺ· pfp
🍌πŸ₯ in the kitchens
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m_j_r pfp
maybe casting is already the prototype of an "everything app" bid. if that's the case, what forms do the asks take?
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grin 🐣  pfp
grin 🐣
Someday: sufficiently centralized
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Ben O’Rourke pfp
Ben O’Rourke
Oh snap sign me up
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Tayyab - d/acc pfp
Tayyab - d/acc
In most bear markets, this is common. Consolidation of talent and resources creates strong orgs that can survive and grow into the next wave. Of course if executed right.
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onchain commerce guy πŸ›οΈ pfp
onchain commerce guy πŸ›οΈ
I’m into this
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