Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
The FarCon Mint went… not like we thought it would 😂 @grin and I are circling up this morning and want to hear from you about how we make @farcon something this community would love to attend. We know people want to get together, so what missed the mark?
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
It would be helpful to have a very clear vision and intention- The Why. This can serve as the promise. And then all info/ details including an itinerary and what to expect would ideally be in service of that bigger intention. I want to be able to answer this question: Is this specific event unmissable for me? Why?
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
What “Why’s?” get you excited enough to get on a plane?
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
The chance to meet and deepen my relationship with my favorite people on Farcaster in meaningful ways. Brainstorm, learn, collab. And for that to happen, the event needs to be designed or structured with some expertise in creating the space for all this.
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
Last year I did a whole conversation series on the book the Art of Gathering by Priya Parker. I learned a ton even re/reading it. Sending you this page so you can see the sub headers of the topics.
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