Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Where do y’all store your ideas for later? Notion? A .txt file? On scraps of paper in a jar defended by a raccoon? Relevant only if you want a robot to think more like you 🤖🧠🫡
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Mostly in Scrivener, but I'm outgrowing the files+folders approach so I'm migrating to Obsidian. After a decade of keeping everything in Scrivener I've got the writer's equivalent of "technical debt" so it's a slow process, but worth it. I also use Notion for daily tracking.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
How do you keep them in notion? In an organized way across pages or one dump page?
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Danica Swanson pfp
Danica Swanson
Both! I have some Notion pages that are roughly organized by topic, and I also have a separate brain-dump page where I drop all kinds of things when pressed for time. Then I go into the brain dump and sort later.
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