Matthew pfp
RE all the @purple drama, I do think there could be more clear guidelines on mission, criteria for funding, how to propose, etc... What if we all got on a call and talked through it together? and maybe have a doc open to collab on. Once we have something we like, we make a proposal to the DAO to codify it on-chain.
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Matthew pfp
also sorry @cameron I know you just posted something but the thought popped into my head reading
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I’ve been asking for a purple touchpoint rhythm for a while 🫡 Communities build identity and clarify values through engaging with each other - synchronous comms speed that process up a LOT (and FarCon will too) Whatever the people I want, I want us to do.
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billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
all casts are async no? I don't think sync comm works for 160+ holders
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Matthew pfp
what about it doesn’t work? there a lot of organizations much larger than purple that have figured out how to do it
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billzh.eth 🎩 pfp
billzh.eth 🎩
Large centralized orgs have figured out how to do it. But I don't think any decentralized one has. I'm happy to attend any Purple call, but I doubt if it will attract a large audience.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
That’s fine imo. We can record if people are comfortable and they’ll consume async or they won’t All DAOs are small cabals for a stretch of time until the community energy matches the core team energy And silent voters are a perfectly legit constituent (but if you’re reading this we’d love your perspective)
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