Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
fwiw this is exactly the kind of behavior + attitude we screened out of future lieutenants at the Army’s Officer Candidate School Blame gaming, esp while fact finding is still ongoing, during a dynamic emergency situation is often “not my fault” panic energy that rarely translates to high performance teams
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50 reactions (UrbanGladiator) pfp (UrbanGladiator)
If people in a team aren't willing to fail because they'll be blamed or faulted when things go badly, the team will never be anything more than mediocre. Trying and failing is the only way to figure out what it takes to be high performing. Surely everyone in Trump's orbit knows its only a matter of time before he turns on them.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
i mean... Trump has been roughly the same person for 60 years and still gets to do his hire, fire, and trash talk dance so idk dude Feels like a lot of "oh no it could never happen to me" attitudes, but maybe I'm biased It could all just be a function of how obviously ineffective the alternative team is too lol
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0 reaction (UrbanGladiator) pfp (UrbanGladiator)
Yeah, either 'it could never happen to me' or a more cynical, 'I'll endure abuse to make the money and get out'. In defense of the alternate team, while they're obviously deeply flawed, the parties are held to wildly different standards - it's a complicated situation but I think media funding plays a part in it.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
ultimately, you fight the battle you're in, not the one you wish you were in so i have very little sympathy for "rules of the game" arguments it's a same as it ever was kind of situation of their own making in a lot of ways
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0 reaction (UrbanGladiator) pfp (UrbanGladiator)
I don't entirely disagree with that, but I do think the media landscape is very different now than it even was a few years ago. Now you can just lie on the world's biggest stage and entire News Orgs and media ecosystems will corroborate those lies, social media algorithms will boost the lies and suppress fact-checking. To combat that, you either tell even bigger lies to grab attention, or you spend so much more energy fighting the lies and also try and get your own message across.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
i do agree it's different and that this is substantially true, but elections were also never won on facts- they've always been vibefests, it's just the vibecrafting is different now
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0 reaction (UrbanGladiator) pfp (UrbanGladiator)
Yeah, I agree. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic for a time that never really existed, but I assume in the last couple of hundred years if I said I was going to bring down inflation by deporting 20 million migrants the majority of media would have buried me for it and now they're too either too scared to or actively explaining why it's genius...
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