Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I just had my first super uncanny GPT interaction 😩 I read a PG essay once about focusing w kids. I thought it had a Sam Altman reference. I couldn’t find it on PG’s site, Google, or way back so I checked GPT. Immediate response, no doubt, but no record anywhere is it real??
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Leo Nasskau pfp
Leo Nasskau
Pg doesn't have an essay with that title or any content on His site with the quoted citatio
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
I know right? I dug through myself to try and find it too
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Leo Nasskau pfp
Leo Nasskau
I didn't dig I just did quote search for articles with Sam Altman and with kids on his site 89 blogs!!!!! He thanks Sam lots, and ig for someone who has funded lots of young people, has reason to talk about kids that much
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