tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
πŸ‘₯ COMMUNITY NOTE "The world record for completing the Murph with a 20lb vest was set by Rich Froning Jr in 2015 at 34:38 [pic below]." Zuck claims to be 15% off this WR. For context: +15% off WR mile = 4:10 (eg, peak Bruce Jenner) +15% off WR vertical = 47in (eg, peak Michael Jordan) (h/t: @vm)
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
This is a cool mirror to examine your beliefs about loci of control and truth Do you think a man with infinite resources/time could be a world class athlete? Or do you think lying about it even as one of the most scrutinized people on the planet makes more sense? Idk but thx for the opportunity for reflection 🫑
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Totally. Both answers seem possible to me, but would be quite surprising in their own way. And to you pt, the play on "Community Note" is bc I think this mechanism has been useful for surfacing reflection and context on the things being said in the arena. Regardless of whether they are right or not, they're a "check"
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