Harry pfp



85 Following

Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
we just ran onchain minigrants for great posts in /base: - 600+ posts by 350+ unique users rewarded - avg. ~$6 being rewarded per submission with a like - top 10 submissions received ~$750 all onchain, all powered by @rounds, very based. get creating - every post in /base is eligible from here on out.
124 replies
82 recasts
494 reactions

Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Having issues with images on Warpcast. Debugging.
26 replies
6 recasts
133 reactions

Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
On Twitter, as a reader, do you care about pinned tweets on a user's profile? Or would you prefer to see the most recent popular tweet from that user? Especially for someone you don't follow.
408 replies
72 recasts
547 reactions

Harry pfp
AI is the future
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
"Mom, I got on the news!" "Aww that's amazing sweetheart. For what?" "For TAKING THE SUBWAY!" https://mothership.sg/2024/02/vitalik-buterin-seen-singapore/
272 replies
294 recasts
1851 reactions

Harry pfp
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Harry pfp
Up only sir
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Farcaster “Horse” is here! A new protocol release with many perf improvements and support for frame messages. We have a commemorative mint on @base - free for active badge holders, mintable with warps for others. https://mint.farcaster.xyz
597 replies
1231 recasts
2186 reactions

Coop pfp
Soon we will hit a critical mass where *most* onchain users have a FC account. That’s when the real battle begins. And only when people who could care less about crypto are here can we truly reach the next chapter.
15 replies
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168 reactions

Harry pfp
Eth to the moonnnn
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Brunny.eth pfp
The first AMA on the zk channel will be this Thursday, Feb 8, at 17:00 GMT. @zac-aztec of PLONK / Aztec fame will be answering questions. Fun fact, Zac was a particle physicist at CERN before becoming a self-taught cryptographer reply with questions below, Zac will pick the best ones to answer on Thursday ⬇️
43 replies
30 recasts
172 reactions

Harry pfp
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1 reaction

Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Post with Toni Wahrstätter on different strategies for increasing the ethereum gas limit without harming major existing applications: https://ethresear.ch/t/on-increasing-the-block-gas-limit/18567
96 replies
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785 reactions

Harry pfp
Don't fade on dojo swap, next big thing
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Harry pfp
To the moon, baby!
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Harry pfp
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Harry pfp
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Harry pfp
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2 reactions

Sriram Krishnan pfp
Sriram Krishnan
One exciting possibility with Farcaster energy is: devs building alt social network features that a) would be impossible in web2 and b) don’t need any help from @dwr.eth Examples ( and there are a lot more) - clients - algorithms - discovery - monetization tools And much more.
11 replies
19 recasts
121 reactions