Becca Williams pfp

Becca Williams


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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Really appreciate this and the comments are extra validating:
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
That time I realized after I left a Farcaster meetup that someone asked me if I was a degen and not a DJ. šŸ˜‚ In my defense, there was background noise, I was wearing a brightly colored and funky outfit, and despite participating in various Web3 communities for 2+ years, no one has ever asked me that before.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
ITAP of paint spilled on the sidewalk.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Not a new article, but one I recently found helpful:
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
ITAP of river surfers in Colorado.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
1/2: It's a delicate dance. "Symptoms surprise" sounds like a vintage diner dessert akin to an unwanted Jello fruit salad...Balancing the hyperawareness of every little anomaly within our bodies/minds when new symptoms appear with the idea that our beliefs about aging can +/- affect our peri/menopause experiences...
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
I have some reading to do.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
ITAP in a grocery store parking lot.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
This. "A Shocking Number of Doctors Donā€™t Understand Menopause"
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
ITAP of some wild ice.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Sunday afternoon makering (embossed and NFC stickered bookmarks for upcoming events)
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
A deeply personal account of some recent happenings now on the Menopausey blog:
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Shot with a Yashica Mat-124G on expired film last fall at Saguaro National Park
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Time to share another symptom! Read more about how hormonal fluctuations during peri/menopause can affect and/or trigger migraines here: The good news is that once we hit menopause, some people find that migraines decrease or stop.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Twin Lakes, Colorado this afternoon. Super cool ice along the shore and starting to thaw around the edges.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Itā€™s been a wild symptoms ride in the last couple of weeks. Iā€™ve heard from a doc and an NP that headaches and bleeding longer arenā€™t indicative of perimenopause šŸ¤”. In the meantime, hereā€™s another symptom from my ā€œWelcome to Perimenopauseā€ series and a few links/resources in reply casts.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
A must-watch and newly released TED Talk from Maria Sophocles. Lots of great resources shared under the About the speaker section, too.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
/menopausey aims to reduce the pain, anxiety, and uncertainty surrounding perimenopause through inclusive community building, evidence-based content, an on-chain symptoms tracker with personalized insights, and a therapeutic AR/VR application that will blend art, music, movement, and mindfulness.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Did you know that there are dozens of peri/menopause symptoms? I'm using yesterday's personal visit from vertigo as a nudge to start sharing from my series, "Welcome to Perimenopause." Inspired by nostalgia and being fiercely unapologetic, I've created digital pieces for 34 symptoms.
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Becca Williams pfp
Becca Williams
Some useful hot flash context in this article from Ultra Running Magazine, especially as it relates to perimenopause and running:
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