Delivery Man pfp

Delivery Man


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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Starting to mention Pepe and Ethereum in the article. Is this supposed to mean short position? 기사에서 페페와 이더리움을 언급하기 시작했어. 숏 포지션을 의미하는 것일까?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
I was busy eating both short and long with Ethereum approval, but everyone won??? 다들 이더리움 etf로 재미 좀 봤지?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
My guess Ethereum ETF Approved -> Down Ethereum ETF Disapproved -> Down
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Coins also seem to be rising as prices of several metals, including gold, silver and copper, rise in response to the possibility of a rate cut 금리 인하 가능성-> 금,은, 구리 등 금속 가격상승(개발에 대한 기대감) ->코인 상승?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
이란 대통령 사망(강경파) Iran's president dies (hardliner)
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Vinfast vs. byd Nvidia Corp NVIDIA Reports Earnings (This Week) 빈페스트 vs byd 엔비디아 이번 주 실적 발표 ai주 덜덜
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
The Chinese government actively encouraged automakers to buy semiconductors from their own companies 중국 정부 -> 중국 자동차 회사 자국 반도체 권유 #samsung 😥
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
It's run by a famous Korean bald man and it's funny lol /stress
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Below CPI expectations 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
jobs that gpt thinks will disappear in the future Gpt guess 미래에 사라질 직업?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Temu goes from America to Europe 테무 미국->유럽 ㅌㅌㅌ
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Gpt-4o is out! Anyway, why did Bitcoin go up 그나저나….비트코인은 왜오른거지?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Hi sangsu
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Biden also decided to raise tariffs on Chinese EVs from 25% to 100%, so is it trade war 2? 바이든 중국 전기차에 관세릉 25%에서 100%로 올리기로 했으니, 무역 전쟁 2차전인가?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Introduction of double price system in Japan??? Wtf 일본의 이중가격제 도입??
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Apple's sales rise 12% in China 애플이 중국에서 판매량이 12% 증가 As expected, Buffett's eyes are correct?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
What’s your choice??? 👉🏻Biden = stagflation 👉🏻Trump = inflation 너의 선택은? 👉🏻스태그플레이션의 바이든 👉🏻인플레이션의 트럼프
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Stanley Druckenmiller NVIDIA Sold Does It Mean Overheating of AI? Stanley Druckenmiller 엔비디아 팔았습니다 ai의 과열을 의미하는 것일까요?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
Recently, Europe did a survey on electric vehicles, but the flow of electric vehicles is now Europe rather than the United States? 최근 유럽이 전기차에 대한 조사를 했다는데, 전기차의 흐름은 이제 미국보다는 유럽?
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Delivery Man pfp
Delivery Man
China is trying to solve its stagnant domestic economy with tourism. In fact, the number of tourists has increased🇨🇳
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