Bruno pfp



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Bruno pfp
@saska what is the reason to hold a Phaver UP NFT now? Their main benefit was that they will give points forever but you guys abandoned the points for S3.. Please don’t say that team is working (you guys love to say cooking, which is a nerd expression) The credibility of the Team is almost over… more and more users are angry with the team What are you guys going to do? I am glad I sold all my NFTs at the top and only kept one and I kinda feel sorry for the people that invested A LOT on PHAVER UPs YOU NEED TO DO BETTER
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42 reactions

Bruno pfp
Spotted while running Do you know which animal this is? Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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36 reactions

Bruno pfp
A bunch of adults competing for attention on a failed platform is extremely sad
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Bruno pfp
Wash trading is illegal 🤔
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Bruno pfp
Life is too good (and too short) to keep Phavering… Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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Bruno pfp
Purple-ish sky this morning.. I am trying to figure out if it means buy or sell.. Since the purple eyes fiasco, I will hear your opinions and do the opposite 💜
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31 reactions

Bruno pfp
Unfortunately, nobody will be happy when S2 ends.. 🔮
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Bruno pfp
For now… @joonatan.eth 🤍
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Bruno pfp
These GENIUSES took off my frens badge ahahahhaha like I care… So, here are the new RED FLAG for this project: There is an influencer that has been shilling Phaver and today, he is hosting a space about Phaver.. In my humble opinion they should invite someone that actually uses the app, not someone that has posted for the last time 2 years ago… They are just trying to pump the token (despite they saying they don’t care about price that they are building) They blame the farmers, they blame the market, they blame everything but they don’t take responsability… CEO stays all day on TG, he should have been working instead of traveling and having fun on other apps… The new reward system will give 20% yield for anyone that stake Social, that means that you don’t need to use the app to get yield, and that means, another big dump after S2 ends because they are attracting “investors” not users… Take profit or cut your losses (NFA)
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60 reactions

Bruno pfp
I give up…
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Bruno pfp
This little kid dreamt of sitting at the cool kids table… Some say he still believes it!!
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Bruno pfp
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Bruno pfp
Not bad… Not enough to put me on Level 6 but I don’t care Very happy for my friend that got a Phaverium, well deserved for sure💜
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83 reactions

Bruno pfp
What are you willing to do for points and creds?
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100 reactions

Bruno pfp
The god complex can be dangerous… The pain in the ego sometimes never heals
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Bruno pfp
I hope Phaver goes back to the old points system… In my opinion, no points should be awarded for Phaving posts. In the old system people phaved posts they liked, for the S1 most people phaved posts that would give them more return on their “investment”. So, yes, this points system has made everything a big farm (I said that 6 months ago) Very soon we will know what happens to the farm when the farmers leave….
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Bruno pfp
Token id: 100 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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Bruno pfp
How will the end of the 30m bonus change things here? * Will there be fewer posts? * Will there be fewer phaves? * Will the points pool dry? And the most important question: Do you care?
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Bruno pfp
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Bruno pfp
I asked Grok to tell me what he knows about me…
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