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Sid pfp
USDT is now a $100B market cap coin. An absolute behemoth that's been overlooked as bitcoin and memes make headlines.
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Brunny.eth pfp
i wouldn't say 'overlooked' -- Tether is one of the most widely discussed systemic risks in crypto. There's a whole category of people called Tether truthers!
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Sid pfp
Yeah ofc! Agreed. Just overlooking the recent growth spurt its had. Not tether as an entity itself.
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Brunny.eth pfp
yeah, feels like the run up has been so quick and dramatic that even BTC price hasn't reaaaally permeated the non-crypto zeitgeist yet maybe the ETF got BTC in the normie news, but i haven't heard about dog memecoins or Solana skyrocketing or anything like that yet
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