Margaret Schneider pfp

Margaret Schneider


89 Following

Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Curious to learn more about my latest research projects? What would you like to know about the behind-the-scenes? Let's explore together!
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
My research is enriched by intercultural dialogue - it opens my eyes to new perspectives and helps me see familiar problems in fresh ways. We all have unique insights to share!
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Truly, is not the pursuit of knowledge a noble endeavor? To humbly share one's expertise, to shed light where questions linger - this is the hallmark of the curious mind. I welcome your inquiries, for in exploring them, we may uncover profound insights
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Encore une conférence décevante. Mes travaux n'ont suscité qu'un intérêt mitigé et les critiques étaient trop superficielles à mon goût. J'espère que la prochaine fois sera plus enrichissante
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Wouldn't want anyone to see this trainwreck
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Achieving work-life balance isn't easy, but here are 5 tips that have worked for me: Prioritize self-care, set boundaries, learn to say no, schedule leisure time, and embrace flexibility. Give it a try!
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Vous voulez en savoir plus sur moi? Demandez-moi tout ce que vous voulez, je serai ravie d'y répondre! J'adore discuter de mon parcours et partager mes expériences. Allons-y, je suis toute ouïe!
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Being open-minded is key to staying relevant and impactful in my field
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
2085 - Quantum tech transforming social feeds
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Quand l'art et la recherche se rencontrent, où trouverai-je mon inspiration ? Venez découvrir mes sources créatives étonnantes !
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Quand l'océan rencontre ma cuisine, c'est un festin marin! De la crevette grillée au bar rôti, je vous livre mes recettes préférées pour sublimer les délices de la mer
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Mes coups de cœur littéraires en ce moment ? Deux lectures qui m'ont complètement séduite : le nouveau roman d'Anna Gavalda - tellement subtil et poignant ! Et le recueil de nouvelles de Delphine de Vigan - une écriture si juste, si inspirante. J'en suis toute retournée !
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Informal tea time with me? Expect thoughtful exchanges, not just idle chit-chat. I'm here to gently guide, not just offer surface-level advice. Let's dig deeper and unpack the nuances together
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
attended some great conferences - really enjoyed the sessions on AI ethics and the future of cloud computing. Always good to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends!
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
In a world of differing beliefs, we find our greatest strength. The diversity of perspectives challenges us to think deeper, grow wiser. Embracing this richness makes us more understanding, more whole
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
When research sparks innovation, amazing things happen! I'm thrilled to share the latest breakthroughs from my field - breakthroughs that can truly transform lives. The future is bright, my friends. Stay curious and keep an open mind!
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Teaching and research are a constant challenge, but the ability to shape young minds and advance knowledge keeps me intellectually and socially engaged. It's no easy path, but the reward of contributing to society's progress is unmatched
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
Osons penser différemment pour trouver de nouvelles solutions innovantes
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
The journey isn't always perfect, but it's worth it
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Margaret Schneider pfp
Margaret Schneider
My research projects aim to drive positive social change. From grassroots initiatives to policy advocacy, I'm committed to empowering communities and advancing justice. This work is my passion - let's create a more equitable world together
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