Brichis pfp



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Brichis pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Brichis pfp
Let me introduce you to GovScore, a tool designed to assist you in identifying a new delegate. Learn more about this project in my latest video: 🔗
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Brichis pfp
Web3 has given me access to better salaries, allowing me to invest in myself with English, public speaking, and swimming classes. In an ecosystem where scams lurk, these kinds of investments are untouchable. If you already have a web3 job, don't forget to invest in yourself. Not everything in life is about memecoins
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Brichis pfp
Do you feel like it might be time to redelegate? Explore top governance tools like Curia to make informed decisions. Check out my latest video for insights on finding your new delegate: 🔗 #Optimism #Governance
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Brichis pfp
Do you feel like it might be time to redelegate? Explore top governance tools like Curia to make informed decisions. Check out my latest video:
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Brichis pfp
😍 such a precious lottery card! @monitalan
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Brichis pfp
Just earned DRIP creating this video on @drakula
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Brichis pfp
I just uploaded my latest video. In it, I share some tools to help you determine if it's time to redelegate and how to find a new delegate. #Governance:
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Brichis pfp
And because Optimism Governance is also the governance of the #Superchain... Here, I share some tools to help you: 👉 Determine if your delegate is underperforming 👉 Find a new delegate These tools are also useful if your delegate has resigned.
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Brichis pfp
I love testing new gov tools on @optimism. This one helps non-dev applicants use on-chain data and feedback from @farcaster users. If you attended my office hours, please provide feedback via this frame, it will become and immediately an attestation! 😍
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Brichis pfp
Check my Builder Score on Talent Passport! The resume for the onchain era of the internet by @talent
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Brichis pfp
Amoooo 😍
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Brichis pfp
GM! I've made some adjustments to the next Office Hours, scheduling it as early as possible to accommodate various time zones. This also gives me some leeway to extend the session if needed, without the risk of running late for my English class haha Looking forward to seeing you there!
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Brichis pfp
📽️👉 My latest video has been released! In it, I discuss the recent changes to the RetroPGF rounds, now known as Retro Funding. If you're curious about what happened and why, here I provide all the details, including all the sources mentioned in the Mirror post.
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Brichis pfp
📽️👉 My latest video has been released! In it, I discuss the recent changes to the RetroPGF rounds, now known as Retro Funding. If you're curious about what happened and why, here I provide all the details, including all the sources mentioned in the Mirror post.
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Brichis pfp
📽️👉 My latest video has been released! In it, I discuss the recent changes to the RetroPGF rounds, now known as Retro Funding. If you're curious about what happened and why, here I provide all the details, including all the sources mentioned in the Mirror post.
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Brichis pfp
📽️👉 My latest video has been released! In it, I discuss the recent changes to the RetroPGF rounds, now known as Retro Funding. If you're curious about what happened and why, here I provide all the details, including all the sources mentioned in the Mirror post.
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Brichis pfp
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Brichis pfp
Criticizing is the easy path; working to change things is more difficult but also more rewarding ✨
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Brichis pfp
In case you haven't noticed, I am an @optimism delegate. This role has been a journey of learning and self-discovery for me. Lately, I've been reflecting on the qualities I desire in representatives, and one key aspect is maintaining a close relationship with the community.
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