brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
just read a Twitter thread about Spotify promoting music addiction. went down a thread of people arguing if music addiction is a thing. pretty sure everyone was kidding and they’re all in on the joke just to trick me into seriously considering it a thing
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Nicola Ceornea - ethOS pfp
Nicola Ceornea - ethOS
How would that even work? For me music is something that I use to augment an experience. I guess there are people that engage with listening to music as an activity itself, but idk how deep it can really go. Once you built a good setup, listening to music is kinda low effort, unless you are analyzing a symphony.
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areyoukillingm3 pfp
addiction is a thing if youre on the fence
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Brian pfp
Everybody wants a disability these days. Or an affliction. It’s fashionable, apparently. And attention grabbing, or so they hope. Go figure.
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