brian is live on unlonely pfp

brian is live on unlonely


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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
@m00npapi.eth just launched a 60 min token called $PAPI on unlonely
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
5 great shows live right now on unlonely! this might be a new record
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
this is awesome honored to be part of the billboards along with other great projects kudos to @jethid and team
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
who else left is there for me to troll/fight? 😂
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
there’s truth here the more I found success on Twitter, the less I find it on farcaster almost like people are mad about it
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
I texted @dwr.eth today asking for brutally honest feedback about my engagement numbers here. he said “you turned FC into a broadcast platform tried to be a Twitter guy”. I definitely have started copy-pasting posts to here and Twitter. have def focused on broadcasting over communing. but I also feel like
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
day 6 of keeping $TOFUCAT alive we have 30 minutes LIVE!
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
next unlonely show is going to be a memecoin competition — who will launch the next big memecoin if you were playing, what would the memecoin ticker be?
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
impossible to separate actual news from fear porn on Twitter right now at least people here on FC are honest about how clueless they are 😂 where do we go for accurate news?
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
day 5 of keeping TOFUCAT alive live right now until we hit our goal!
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
when your friend says he's found a 10x coin but you have rent due tomorrow
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
@iyk_app pitch competition live right now!
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
cool step-wise function price goes up when i stream aka the game is only playable when im live hmmmm
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
@br1an.eth live!
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
"it's ok babe, their rounds are too big they hurt! your round size is perfect"
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
feels like i've been interacting with less real people on this platform likes and comments are mostly all bots anyone else feeling this?
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brian is live on unlonely pfp
brian is live on unlonely
hell yea
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