BRG pfp



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BRG pfp
have you seen the latest blockbuster already? max payd
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BRG pfp
Current model: value of user attention is implicit, controlled and captured by aggregators New model: tokenized attention opens peoples eyes to the power of controlling their attention-value; - being rewarded for it - trading it - benefiting from it new products -> new behaviours -> more new products -> and so on
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BRG pfp
this week's essay is the first after migrating to paragraph. check it out and subscribe if you want free, weekly essays about onchain culture.
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BRG pfp
the internet is already a big, online game. bringing it onchain adds a fair & transparent value layer to it.
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BRG pfp
we’ve already seen the power of composability in defi. next, we’ll see the power of composability in social and consumer applications.
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BRG pfp
the group is tracking as the fifth strongest channel on farcaster. good werk everyone
42 replies
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BRG pfp
crypto unlocks attention as a scarce, tangible and user-owned asset.
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BRG pfp
gm replyguys, it's another great day to do some casting and replying
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BRG pfp
- entertainment ip accrue value from network effects, independent of distribution platform. - nfts accrue value from network effects, independent of distribution platform. hollywood should put 1+1 together.
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BRG pfp
appreciate spending a few hours every sunday afternoon to go through my list of articles collected through the week, reading and taking notes.
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BRG pfp
study steady growth farcaster is inevitable
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BRG pfp
this village in italy can be rented. wen pg corporate retreat?
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BRG pfp
keeping a collection of onchain screenshot essays on Zora as a way to timestamp ideas.
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BRG pfp
which do you think will be bigger? 1. existing off-chain value moved onchain 2. net-new value created onchain
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BRG pfp
once a degen always a degen 🚀
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BRG pfp
did you get your pay check already, anon?
82 replies
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BRG pfp
state of $degen - allowance severely reduced - price ranging low it may be painful, but shakes out the short term fortune hunters, and creates the foundation to build a sustainable ecosystem onwards.
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BRG pfp
deep appreciation for great books that have the power to make us see the world differently. “the surrender experiment” is one book that did that for me
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BRG pfp
exciting to consider a lot of new people coming onchain directly to base via coinbase. better onboarding journeys, don’t have to touch the L1, bridge etc.
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BRG pfp
love to see the farcaster + $degen ecosystem evolving. feels like setting up the fair with all the attractions in time for (onchain) summer
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