Brenner pfp
I’m surprised nobody’s made a video game where you watch a movie prequel first and then start playing
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Omar Siddiqui pfp
Omar Siddiqui
Gamers get really polarized and antsy with the linear content accompanying a game. Cutscenes etc. on one hand are hallmarks of a AAA game, but on other hand get skipped by most players to get at the game.
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Garrett 🎩↑ᖽ pfp
Garrett 🎩↑ᖽ
This would be a really cool GTM and storytelling strategy for a AAA game
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frdysk | 0.78% pfp
frdysk | 0.78%
Final fantasy 15 did this, but watching the prequel wasn't a prerequisite
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0xdefin00b pfp
The Star Wars games are predicated on watching the various Star Wars franchises.
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