Breck Yunits pfp

Breck Yunits


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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Interesting read: A comparison of autogenous theories for the origin of eukaryotic cells
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
The smallest changes, compounded, have the largest effects.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
PLDB has occasional mistakes and many blanks to fill, but it never hallucinates. Something important there.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Because I didn't have a few tiny things in the core Particles library I added a lot of late stage complexity over the years and this refactor is brutally hard. :( But can be hard to forecast what things will be important and what won't be.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
I introduce 2 new terms for medical conditions diagnosable with a microscope: Hypermito: abnormally high mitochondria levels Hypomito: abnormally low mitochondria levels In the process of building image database to define baselines. Collaborators welcome!
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Javascript was 13yo when v8 came out.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Do not trade your freedom for better technology.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Napster in 2000 >> Spotify 2025
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
I'm surprised one of the big tech companies hasn't bought out Sublime Text and open sourced it to win developer mindshare.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
I couldn't find a great version of Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think" (1945) so I made the one below, as HTML, TXT, and PDF. Great read. 8 pages. Highly recommend. Link below.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
"The abacus, with its beads string on parallel wires, led the Arabs to positional numeration and the concept of zero many centuries before the rest of the world; and it was a useful tool - so useful that it still exists." I never made the connection as to how the abacus led to the invention of positional notation.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
"This is the worst AI will ever be", they said. New Alexa:
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Microverses =========== We live above 7 microverses that we cannot see no matter how hard we squint. Each microverse is ten times larger than the one above. Each is its own land with unique creatures, phenomena and rules. We rely on scopes, and experiments, and symbols to map the territory. How many concepts to describe each world? 1,000? 10,000? More? I gave these microverses names: Hairfield, Bloodland, Mitotown, Viralworld, Proteinplace, Moleculeville, Atomboro. And that just gets us to the atomic level. But there are many more lands beyond that we cannot see. It may be closer to the beginning than the end.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Imagine you had a .txt file for every book you've ever read on your local machine. You absolutely should have this. You should be angry that the law has made this impractical. Get angry. Demand your rights to improve and share information.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
Remember the Pringles ad "Once you pop, you can't stop"? Pistachios are nature's Pringles.
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
A lot of work to do but here's the plan:
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Breck Yunits pfp
Breck Yunits
My contrarian take on all big software companies: 1) Unethical "IP" laws possibilize monopoly profits. 2) Monopoly profits possibilize talent monopolies. 3) Talent monopolies possibilize leading products. 4) Leading products possibilize reputation laundering.
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