Irish 🎭🎭 pfp

Irish 🎭🎭


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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
I got my Moxie Pass! Mint yours to be eligible for upcoming airdrops, grants, Fan Tokens and more! cc @betashop.eth @airstack
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
What are Tickets Tickets are like buying shares of a user. Wildcard allows you to buy fractions of tickets so users can still buy large profiles for cheap and get exposure.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Wildcard is a Farcaster client built as PWA (Progressive Web App) that utilizes many of the core features of decentralized social. Wildcard allows you to buy and sell β€œtickets” of other profiles, has a social tipping experience ($WILD), and a native feed algorithm.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Who is ready for $WILD
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
A mask is a covering worn on the face for protection, disguise, performance, or entertainment. Masks have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical purposes.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Masks have played a significant role in human history. They were used in ancient religious rituals and funerary practices, such as the death masks of Egyptian pharaohs. In African cultures, masks are integral to ceremonies, embodying spirits and ancestors.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Exactly how I look now
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Overall, masks are a simple, effective tool for protecting individual and public health, especially during infectious disease outbreaks.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Masks are part of a multi-layered approach to infection control, which also includes hand hygiene, social distancing, and vaccination.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
The network provides end-to-end encryption for messages sent via social media, ensuring that only the intended recipients can read the content, thus enhancing privacy and security.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Mask Network enables users to access and interact with decentralized applications (dApps) from within social media platforms, promoting the adoption of Web 3.0 technologies.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Mask Network allows users to access decentralized finance (DeFi) services directly within social media platforms, promoting the use of DeFi products and services.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
The Zora platform supports various auction formats, including English auctions, Dutch auctions, and more, providing flexibility in how NFTs are sold.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Mask 🎭 Network integrates directly with popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, enabling users to perform blockchain-related activities without leaving these platforms #Mask #blockchain #privacy
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
All transactions on Zora are transparent and verifiable on the blockchain. This transparency ensures that buyers and sellers can trust the authenticity and provenance of the NFTs they trade, reducing the risk of fraud. #Zora #nft #blockchain
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
The integration with Optimism allows MASK Network to benefit from higher transaction speeds and lower fees. This is crucial for maintaining a seamless user experience in DeFi applications, where high gas fees and slow transaction times can be major obstacles.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
Mask allows users to encrypt their posts and messages on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, ensuring that only intended recipients can access the content. In the DeFi space, MASK Network facilitates secure and private transactions, helping to protect user data and financial activities from being exposed.
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
MASK Network is a protocol designed to enhance privacy and security for users interacting with social media platforms and DeFi applications
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Irish 🎭🎭 pfp
Irish 🎭🎭
$Mask integration with the Optimism chain, a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, represents a major advancement in addressing scalability and transaction efficiency while maintaining the core values of decentralization and privacy.
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