Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Hot take 🌶️ Permissionless is not enough. If a web3 business/project can't be "hijacked"/cloned/adapted/build-upon by another one than it probably isn't "full" web3.
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ukstv pfp
That’s called composability afaik, and it’s the reason why Ethereum flies.
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Yeah, I see composability as the software protocol choices for the building blocks of my app for instance. But my app itself needs to be adaptable by others. You should be able to take it, modify it and propose any new services to your niche users or use cases.
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ukstv pfp
I see. That’s different from composability indeed. I have a crazy take for that. There should be a permissionless plugins system to extend apps. Most probable candidate is some kind of WASM or hardened JS like in MetaMask Snaps. Might look like Figma plug-ins.Technically I see no problem to make it real.
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