Branksy Pop  pfp

Branksy Pop


849 Following

Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
minted my /farcards
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
I'm joining /basefrens - @basefrens the first NFT project funded with Degen tips 🎩
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
2 more hours to mint your πfp before the miniting ends. A few remain from a collection of 31
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Niche to see this chan
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
EU's first use of cast actions
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Institutions with cast actions : SEC: mark cast a security EU : accept casters cookie IRS : pay this casters' tax with $degen
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
This point is an exclamation mark .
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
12 mints remaining / 12 days to go
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Love this style, btw this would have made a perfect "dawn" commemorative NFT. Look at that Q colored sun.
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Live footage of a twitter user catching some rumors about a new thing called FC Getuppaaa
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
A warm Farcaster welcome to @cedrox! When he's not being serious, e-skates and drones are his thing.
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
so, how are the $degen sats called ?
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3 reactions

Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
now we: - transaction around - reward genuine value creators - build composable & open stuff
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Što se bijeli u gori zelenoj?
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
wen uniswap support on degen L3? bridged some degen ...and now what ?
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Any H=N art memes you remember that you can share ?
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Original art memes are quite a genre on its own when they stem from the community. There was lots of that in the early H=N days. Some bouncing around from artist to artist as a reaction to what the other person minted, by making a reference or modifying their piece. Some quick examples below
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
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5 reactions

Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
Oxford Dictionary added 23 Japanese words ..and I knew one of them 😊 kintsugi. 22 more to learn. Like this one too: Omotenashi
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6 reactions

Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
some PBW alpha if you're interested in joining the hackathon participants *may get free tickets. was there last year, their choice of sponsors and org. is not best to say the least, but some amazing people and mostly Paris Univ students are there
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