Jayme Hoffman pfp
Jayme Hoffman
What's your biggest frustration today as an onchain / web3 user? 1. Not enough stuff todo 2. Hard to discover 3. High gas fees 4. Other
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bradq 🎩 ⌐◨-◨ pfp
bradq 🎩 ⌐◨-◨
Projects talk about wanting to onboard new people, but often don't connect with what that really means or looks like. And therefore aren't really willing to invest into the work needed because it's often not as sexy as great art, innovative dev stuff, etc. Shows how early we are, I think.
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bradq 🎩 ⌐◨-◨ pfp
bradq 🎩 ⌐◨-◨
So this significantly affects my great interest and ability to help in the space. (That's why it's my biggest frustration, which I should have explained above).
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