bradq 🎩 🍖  pfp
bradq 🎩 🍖
New to Farcaster? An outsider's take... Things are different here. It's not projects building community. It's people making connections in a builder-centric eco. On Twitter you look for your projects & communities. Here, the project is Farcaster. So, use FC as an opportunity to explore this community. More ⬇️
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bradq 🎩 🍖  pfp
bradq 🎩 🍖
It's quieter here and usually more personal. There's a lot of builder/dev stuff, but also art and general web3. There's a lot of building on top of FC. So you'll see cast this and cast that apps. Be patient you'll catch on. More ⬇️
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bradq 🎩 🍖  pfp
bradq 🎩 🍖
For now, know that FC is the social media protocol and Warpcast is a client built on top to give you access. Email = FC | Gmail =Warpcast (HT to someone I can't remember) More ⬇️
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