Ben pfp
I turn 35 this month. I’m writing a letter to my 3 y/o son and will give it to him on his 18th birthday (2038). In it I will share… 1/
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Ben pfp
…what life and the world is like today, and what I expect it might be like when he reads it. Most of all, Ill share a number of life/business lessons I wish I had fully understood in my 20s and early 30s. What would you include if you were writing this to your current/future children? /end.
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
My dad, who died from pancreatic cancer in 2007, kept a spiral-bound notecard notebook. In it he left advice and quotes for his kids. It's one of my most cherished possessions. I created a secret, but publicly accessible, website using HTML 1.0 and is organized as a wiki that is a collection of stuff for my kids.
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Thomas pfp
That is so wholesome. I’ve thought of creating a wiki to leave a digital legacy for my own offspring and this is inspiring me to get going. Which tool did you use? I’ve been happy with DokuWiki on another project because it’s a flat-file wiki, and thus less likely to break or lose compatibility over decades.
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
Literally no tool. I'm a big fan of Derek Sivers and followed his great instructions here - I spun up an OpenBSD server on VULTR, attached a little extra storage for files and sync it to a local directory on my computer. It's all hand-coded HTML. Might switch to Obsidian Publish to make it easier.
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Thomas pfp
On this note, does nobody ever use Server Side Includes (SSI) anymore? I loved them because you could so some decent templating for a website in just a few lines, without any overhead like PHP, Ruby, JS, database, etc.
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
I am not a web developer (IANAWD), but don't believe so. They are dependent on Apache, which sucks. I would guess most people use PHP.
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Thomas pfp
I think they started off as Apache but also run on nginx and a few others now. But they seem to be largely considered obsolete. Gosh I’m old 😅
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