BPetes pfp



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BPetes pfp
Look what I found and still works. So fun to see what’s on it. What did you have on yours?
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BPetes pfp
quality for the win!
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BPetes pfp
Yes. @spengrah.eth @nintynick.eth got a nice list of the case studies?
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BPetes pfp
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BPetes pfp
My tinfoil hat says that’s exactly what they want. This is boring, look away. This is annoying. Look away. This is futile. Let us control it for you (we’re already controlling it for the ones at the podium)
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BPetes pfp
💯 both intense, both laden with fiction based on real-world concepts. The Bear infinitely, infinitely! better because at least there's a payoff of moments of culinary inspiration and moments of watching the human soul in painful but beautiful progression. There is no progress to be found in the other
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BPetes pfp
wat he saying now (beyond recent letter he sent RE: freedom of speech)?
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BPetes pfp
wen is a token earned as a product of an agreement to do work with a sytem/ecosystem and wen is it considered an investment contract? Half the fun of DAOs is indy contractors earning token stake but lack of clarity at intersection of securities law, contract law for services, and employment law has me confused.
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BPetes pfp
Thanks 🙏 Dropping down from the workstation and doing some reps right now with this motivational boost.
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BPetes pfp
have to have a carrot 🥕 in order to use it as a stick occasionally 🪵 ;)
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BPetes pfp
yes, DAOs using hats are strong candidates to be what you're looking for browse the hat trees -> https://app.hatsprotocol.xyz/
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BPetes pfp
The power of ________ will be unleashed when Boomers leave ___________: DAOs | political office. DeSci | academia. DePIN | for 'The Home' DeFi | the markets or leave their assets to next of kin. Tech will move at the pace of generations now, not Moore's Law
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BPetes pfp
On a run/walk program (XP runner in a prev. life done 0->1 few times now) As expected I have activated Piriformis syndrome on RHS and early signs of IT band stuff on the LHS. Experienced enough to know what to do, but need the encouragement today to stick to rest and strengthening exercises as that's the hard part.
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BPetes pfp
🍁 citizen who tried to tune into the debate last night. Saw it in the Disney+ viewing options ??!! Anywho, thought I should see the thoughts of candidates to lead the nation that dominates the geopolitical vibes... Couldn't make it more than 1 sound bite from each before switching to watch S2 of The Bear 😢
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BPetes pfp
My dogs name is Helios
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BPetes pfp
Tried the frisbee golf thing once I only had one frisbee with me and I lost it pretty quickly so I think I need to go with friends who know how to play better than me. 😂
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BPetes pfp
If you’re interested in sociology and psychology in the context of organizations, I’m a huge fan of reinventing organizations by Fredric Laloux. Familiar with it?
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BPetes pfp
Definitely familiar with the concept, but haven’t read the book in full. Recommend the full text?
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BPetes pfp
Mmmm breakfast burger. The best kind.
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BPetes pfp
Wow. Feeling this right now. Back hurts when I’m stressed about how I’ve been unkind to others in some way and I’m trying to sit in that the day after.
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