Corbin Page šŸ‘‘šŸŽ© pfp
Corbin Page šŸ‘‘šŸŽ©
Spotted on Etherscan... šŸ‘€ Is this a game changer?
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chrisb (boscolo.eth) pfp
chrisb (boscolo.eth)
Maybe... There is no common communication protocol associated with an ethereum address (or ENS Name). Something has to get Twitter-scale adoption to be the protocol of choice. ENS could accelerate this if when purchasing a name you were forced to configure how you want to be messaged.
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Corbin Page šŸ‘‘šŸŽ© pfp
Corbin Page šŸ‘‘šŸŽ©
@corbin.eth is one. There are a few others. I believe etherscan / blockscan just sends PK encrypted messages back and forth.
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