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What do you call someone who constantly spreads Nazi propaganda?
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O boy time for my favorite spot in the meta Quoting from the fucking black book of communism God this has gotta be the most smooth brained activity
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It’s like a prerequisite to run a social networking app that you take that book as the gospel. Dan cited it too in our last back and forth before he muted me. I think Marc Andreessen makes everyone read it before he’ll approve their funding.
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Lmfao it's the only reference book that is like "uhhhh yeah so we made up a bunch of deaths but like just trust us bro the rest is super serial"
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And one of the authors recanted the “facts” in the book; and the numbers include both nazis and people killed by nazis as the victims of socialism; and many groups are counted multiple times. I also love how many people whose whole identity is being an anti-communist are completely ignorant to the 35 million Indians starved intentionally by capitalist Britain, the 17 million people killed by the Nazis and their alllies, or the 1.5-2 million North Koreans killed by the firebombing by the US, nor of course any of the millions who died in the Congo under Belgian rule, the North Atlantic slave trade; or the many US backed coups and juntas across the Middle East, Oceania, and Latin America.
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Sounds to me like humans are the problem, not he multi-syllable-isms they follow. Maybe we should just start teaching humans it's wrong to use force to impose your will on other humans.
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Perfectly said. There’s a reason why I don’t ascribe to big government solutions (left, center, or right). To me we should want decentralized power. Decisions can be made or policies enacted by committees etc that might be described as centralized authorities but the power must be heavily checked and the scope heavily limited, and, importantly, the authority is dissolvable/revokeable in near instant fashion. Democratic confederalism meets liquid democracy. DAO-democracy in many ways but one person one vote. I’m not sure any other approach to anarchism (the -ism we’re really talking about but prefer to leave without a label) is realistic but I’m happy to be proven wrong.
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