Matthew pfp
RE all the @purple drama, I do think there could be more clear guidelines on mission, criteria for funding, how to propose, etc... What if we all got on a call and talked through it together? and maybe have a doc open to collab on. Once we have something we like, we make a proposal to the DAO to codify it on-chain.
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
hey @matthew you're overcomplicating again not a personal attack, everybody does this that's why you want to have a meeting to schedule another meeting to come up with time to think of ideas to propose just do, don't overthink more people breeds complexity that can't be organized, it's chaos
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Matthew pfp
First of all, not sure what you mean by "again" but this is my first cast about this. Second, I disagree. Getting on a call, talking things through, and then making a decision together is a far better idea than endlessly arguing over social media posts, or worse, rage quitting and starting your own "alternative".
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borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
oh, i see, so there is beef hey man no hard feelings
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Matthew pfp
No beef, I'm just responding to what you said.
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