Venkatesh Rao ☀️ pfp
Venkatesh Rao ☀️
Is ActivityPub a dead end or an alt extended universe? Are there plans to try and make FC a W3C recommendation or something? (Is W3C even the right standards consortium for crypto?)
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Boris Mann pfp
Boris Mann
W3C is a dead end at this point. Pace layering (and capture by large browser corps) makes it very hard to make changes there. Community bottom up standards seem to be blossoming well. AP is … fine, but overly HTTP URI centric, and highly DNS linked. I need to spend more time with the FC spec…
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
100% agree. I wouldn't go with any new W3C standard. It's an organization of a bygone era. We should embrace the chaos of a memetics and survival of the fittest model. Don't slow down innovation because a group of self appointed experts is trying to dictate standards without stress testing them first with usage.
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