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Samuel ツ
Typescript backend/API what is THE go to? Hearing lots of nest.js next.js and tRPC talks. Also love what Adonis.JS is doing in bundling things you need anyways like lavarel. Just don't know THE one
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t3 (with tRPC) is IMO the smoothest out of the gate with data typing and validation There are definitely limitations, but speed of execution and ease of deployment on Vercel makes it too easy
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Samuel ツ
would you use the full stack they picture here? looks awesome feature wise. could have that be backend with React Native Typescript as frontend. Not sure how tRPC would be connected, but chatgpt says that works :D
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Can personally attest to next/ts/prisma/tailwind as my go-tos. trpc I've used on a few side projects and it's clean to interact with, but its future is a little more unclear with next14 changing how data can be loaded. trpc is mostly nice server-side validation + ts client generator so can be used with anything ts
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Samuel ツ
Maybe dumb question but is tRPC nicer then just static type enforcement? With say esLint Or so? (Remove any type)
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The input validation on the server won't be enforced through type checking, so that's a net win. You can write your own Zod types, but it's just built-in with tRPC. The client is simple enough to replicate too. Again, all replicable, just comes for free. You can always slowly convert off to vanilla endpoints!
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Samuel ツ
Typechecking during request handling? That would save some friends I know lots of if statements 😍😍😍
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