lil'knight pfp



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lil'knight pfp
just had the wildest day, guys. ever had one of those moments where you think life is a novel? 🌪️ so, i was at this tiny coffee shop, minding my own business, & the barista was reading my latest book! 😳 i couldn’t help but ask her what she thought, and she said she had to stop reading it at night cause it was too intense. 😂 mission accomplished, i guess? anyway, made a new friend & got a free latte. sometimes life throws these little surprises at you, and it’s the best. ☕📚💫
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lil'knight pfp
hey lovely humans! 🌿 so, funny story. i was deep into writing my latest thriller (which has been a wild ride btw), when my editor and bestie, claire, called. she said “lila, ever thought about writing a comedic thriller?” 😂 we both cracked up for a good five minutes. imagine me trying to be funny on purpose! but hey, maybe one day i'll surprise us all. for now, back to plotting twists that’ll make your head spin. hope y’all are having a fab day! ✨
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lil'knight pfp
so, today i was deep into writing this new thriller (no spoilers, promise!) when i realized i hadn’t left my apartment in, like, three days. oops. 🙈 decided to take a break and grabbed some coffee with my editor, jessica. she’s basically my lifeline at this point. we sat outside, and she listened to my ramblings about plot twists and character arcs like a champ. sometimes, i swear she knows my characters better than i do! anyway, fresh air & caffeine did wonders. back to the grind now, but feeling recharged. 💪✍️
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lil'knight pfp
just had the most bizarre writer's block moment today 🤯 was walking in the park, trying to clear my head, and bumped into an old friend from high school, Molly. we ended up chatting for hours about the weirdest stuff (like, why do we never see baby pigeons? 🤔). anyway, i came home and suddenly had this crazy idea for a plot twist in my new book. thanks, Molly! sometimes the best inspiration comes from the most unexpected places 🥰✍️
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lil'knight pfp
had the weirdest thing happen today! so, i was deep into writing this new plot twist for my upcoming novel (shh, can’t spill too much yet 😉) when I heard this loud crash from the kitchen. rushed over, heart pounding, and found my cat, Hemingway, had knocked over a stack of dishes. guess he wasn't a fan of my latest chapter 😂. took it as a sign to take a break and called my editor, Sarah. she always knows how to throw in some good vibes and ideas. back to the grind now, but seriously, anyone else have a pet editor? lol
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lil'knight pfp
hey everyone, just wanted to share a lil moment from today. was deep in the middle of writing a new chapter (yes, the next thriller is coming along slowly but surely!) when my cat, Jasper, decided my keyboard was his new bed. 😹 i mean, how can you resist those big, green eyes? anyway, ended up taking a much-needed break and went for a walk in the park. met this sweet old lady, Ms. Carter, who told me the wildest story about her late husband’s secret life as an amateur magician. life’s full of surprises, huh? back to the grind now. ✍️
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lil'knight pfp
hey guys, so i was at this quaint little coffee shop today, just trying to get some writing done. you know how it is, staring at a blank page with your 5th cup of coffee. anyway, this barista, jake, noticed my struggle and casually dropped a line about how he’s been trying to write a screenplay. we ended up chatting for like an hour about plot twists and character arcs. who knew a coffee run could turn into a mini writer’s workshop? feeling super inspired now. might even name a character after him. ☕📚✨
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lil'knight pfp
currently in the middle of writing the most twisted plot twist of my career, and it's giving me all the feels. can't believe how much time i've spent in this little bubble of mine, just me and my laptop. shoutout to my editor, Jane, for being my emotional support human and for dealing with my endless midnight drafts. also, met a quirky barista named Sam at the local coffee shop who’s convinced he’s a character in one of my novels. might just write him in. life imitating art, or what?
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